Pir Shabda Kahn

/July 2024 Message

Beloved Family,

Within a few days I head up to Mendocino Sufi Camp. If I add up the many times I attended, I have lived at the Mendocino Woodlands for over a year of my life! Look forward to being with many of you there.

In the wake of the many insanities arising all over the world what is our assignment as mystics? 

Naturally we want to continually practice Muhasaba, taking account of all our own actions, thoughts and feelings. 

Can we remain calm? I am reminded that when you went to Murshid Sam about a crisis he would often quip, “Don’t react!” Can we find the way to develop strength and resilience, taking actions that are ours to manifest, all the while remaining calm, non-reactive?

We can keep in mind and heart the long assignments and the short assignments. Continually polishing the jewel of our being so we overcome the adaptive notion of a separate self, while doing our best to relieve suffering, provide support for self and other and manifesting wise action to nurture the health of our Mother Earth, who is the fabric of our being.

After Mendocino Sufi Camp, I will travel to the Abode of the Message in Upstate New York, August 25-28. Once again, we will have the privilege of teaching on the Haiku side Maui Dec 6-8.

For our next wazifa let’s practice RAMNAM - OM SRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM! I received the practice of reciting this mantra daily directly from Murshid SAM! Naturally you can recite or sing! When I do recite it, I invoke Murshid SAM, Papa Ramdas and Mother Krishnabai!

Much love,


Wazifa Practice  

Recite or Sing 101x 


 Link to Pir Moineddin singing RAMNAM

Text and Commentary to Study

This month we continue studying Akibayyat, Murshid Sam’s commentary on Hazrat Inayat Khan’s text, Akibat-Life After Death.

Let us read Chapter 3 - Heaven and Hell, pages 41- 56.

Commentary on Akibayyat:

Life after Death


Upcoming Events and Teachings

Mendocino Sufi Camp

Abode of the Message Retreat

Maui Sufi Camp

July 14-21

August 22-25

December 6-8

Ongoing Local Monthly Gathering
Zikr in San Rafael       One Thursday a month

Our first pilgrimage to Murshid Sam’s Dargah at the Lama Sesshin was blessed with rain
After the Lama fire, the original wood marker was restored and is now on the path half way up to the Dargah
Last steps to the Dargah
Sheikh Arjun Jorge Calero, visionary of the Beyond Initiative, leading dance while wearing Murshid Sam’s dervish robe
Male Osprey
Papa removing the head from a fish
Papa delivering fish to the nest
Papa Osprey cleaning his feet
Mom delivering fish
Mom feeding a juvenile
3 juveniles and mom
Great Egret about to have lunch
Western Gulls snuggling
Bewick's Wren
Lessor Goldfinch


Allen's Hummingbird on our kale
Ash-throated Flycatcher
House Finch sitting on our Kale
Spotted Towhee
Last visit to birdhouse by Western Bluebirds this season as the babies have fledged