Pir Shabda Kahn

/February 2024 Message

Beloved Family,

After nearly three weeks in Mother India, I returned last Friday. The pilgrimage was facilitated by organizer supreme, Khalifa Waduda, and co-led by Murshid Rahmat and Dr. Tasha. We had a wonderful group of pilgrims from Kazakstan,Turkey, Iran, Russia, France, UK, India, Australia and all over the USA. We sang and danced together, visited shrines, enjoyed delicious Indian meals, meditated, and celebrated the 97th URS of Hazrat Inayat Khan at his Dargah.

As part of the URS program, I was able to give a Raga Offering on the URS day accompanied by some of India’s top musicians, Sarangi master Ustad Murad Ali Khan and tabla master, Ustad Rafiuddin Sabri. It was filmed, so as soon as the editing is done, I will post the link. The culmination of the URS festivities was a large circle of the Dances of Universal Peace around the shrine of Inayat.

On a sad note, we learned that Murshid Sharif Graham has passed. He was a dear friend and colleague of 50 years and one of the most accomplished archivists of Hazrat Inayat Khan’s life and writings, living several decades in France at the Archive center. Sweetly, his last weeks were spent in Mother India visiting sacred sites in the footsteps of Inayat Khan and attending the URS where we all enjoyed a powerful talk he gave on Feb 4th. Ya Salaam dear Sharif!

Please welcome three new mureeds initiated in Mother India: Mehr Ali from Iran, Sinan from Türkiye and Smita from India - pictures below!

After our Pilgrimage was complete several of us traveled south to Rajasthan for birdwatching and entering Ranthambore Tiger Reserve. We enjoyed many of the wild animals and birds but only saw tigers at the Delhi zoo, not on the safaris.

Our 19th Annual Northern California Sufi Sesshin starts in less than two weeks. After that I will teach in Guadalajara, Mexico, March 15-18. 

In April I travel to Madison for the annual Jamiat Ahm, joined by Murshid Allaudin Ottinger and Amina Meyer, Murshid Wali Ali’s daughter. 

The Lama Sufi Sesshin, June 26-30, will open registration in March. This year along with our usual staff of Murshida Darvesha and Sheikh Gayan we will be joined by Sheikh Arjun Calero, the visionary of the Beyond Initiative that has brought the Dances of Universal Peace to so many new counties around the world.

Instead of offering a monthly wazifa, this month I invite you to recite daily the Prajna Paramita Hridaya Sutra - often called The Heart of Perfect Wisdom Sutra. This is a practice that Murshid Sam did under the guidance of his Zen Roshi Nyogen Sensaki, and gave to many of us as a daily practice. There are many translations, and the one I offer here is by one of Murshid Sam’s mureeds, Abd ar Rahman Daniel Lomax. For further study of the profound teachings that are hidden in the sutra there are two books which I have enjoyed; one Essence of the Heart Sutra by H.H the 14th Dalai Lama and The Other Shore by Thich Nhat Hanh.


Much love and blessings,


Text and commentary to study

This month we continue reading the of Githas Series 2 on Breath, numbers 4-5 in Ryazat: Esotericism. There are 2 documents, one by Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan, page 28-29 and the other includes Murshid Sam's Commentaries, pages 17-24

Upcoming events and teaching

Sufi Sesshin at The Bishops Ranch, CA March 3-8
Sufi Retreat Guadalajara Mexico March 15-18
Jamiat Am in Madison April 25-28
Lama Sufi Sesshin June 26-30

Visit to India

Singing DRINK WITH THE BELOVED at the 97th URS of Hazrat Inayat Khan at his Dargah

Dancing around the Shrine of Hazrat Inayat Khan on the occasion of his 97th URS Feb 5, 2024

The universal language of music - Radhe Radhe with Rajasthani musicians


Murshid Rahmat, Pir Shabda and Tasha at Humayun's Tomb
Murshid Sharif Graham at Hazrat Inayat Khan's Dargah
Raga Offering at HIK URS
At the shrine Khwaja Qutbuddin Bhaktiar Kaki
Sacred architecture from the 13th century all over Delhi
Kind behemoth greeting us on the street
Pir Shabda, Mehr Ali, Sinan
Sinan, Pir Shabda, Smita
WhiteTiger at the Delhi Zoo

Wild animals and birds of India

Spotted Deer
Bengal Fox
Gharial Crocodile
Marsh Crocodile
Gray Langur
Painted Storks
Purple Sunbird
Spotted Owl
Black-rumped Flameback Woodpecker
Plum-headed Parakeet
Rose-ringed parakeet
White-throated Kingfisher
Pied Kingfisher
Endangered Indian Skimmers
Red-naped Ibis
Painted Spurfowl