Pir Shabda Kahn

/April 2024 Message

My dearest Family,

What can we contribute to relieving all the suffering in the world, as our tears flow in so many directions. And how amazing that simultaneously, there is so much beauty and kindness flowing in many corners, if our eyes are open.

What a privilege that in our amazing family, we have mureeds from Iran and Israel and Palestine, from Russia and Ukraine, from nearly every country in Europe, most countries in South America and Central America, India and Pakistan, New Zealand and Australia, and ….. 

So whose side should we be on, and by what methods can we contribute to bringing better relations among human beings in this world. That is the question before us. 

We aspire that our quest for Awakening and enlightened activity be the most important concentration we can contribute to relieve suffering.

Here is a profound letter from Murshid SAM to his Pakistani god-daughter, Saadia Khawar Khan on March 13, 1970. It may strike a bell in your memory as it was the letter Murshid was dictating in his Mentorgarten office to his then esoteric secretary, Wali Ali, shown in the film Sunseed. 

I attached it here, but the heart of the letter says:

It is very necessary to promote methods which will end the wholesale slaughter of human beings by other human beings, under the asinine assumption that only by such methods can peace be brought to the world. Ego-reason will promote any cause, and Iblis lurks under the guise of rationalism. I think I have already told you we intend to bring Palestinians, Arabs, and Israelis together in this house upon my return. One believes, honestly and profoundly in the statement of the Messenger of God, that Allah loves His creation more than a mother loves her offspring. For my part, I shall not accept hypocrisy and bigotry from any source. For my part, I shall stand firm for the divine Rahmat and no nonsense. I also feel that as one walks toward Allah He definitely walks toward the person. Actually, not philosophically, not logically, not piously, but actually. So one is not afraid of enemies.

In the middle of March we had a wonderful retreat at 7500 feet near Guadalajara in Mexico with nearly 70 folks, more than 60 were native to Mexico and only a few gringos! I was very touched by the sweet kindness in the personality of the Mexican people!

In 10 days, I will join Murshid Allaudin, Murshid Rahmat and Amina Meyer - Murshid Wali Ali’s daughter- in serving the Annual Jamiat Aam in Madison WI. June 26-30 brings me to Lama Mountain for our annual Sufi Sesshin on Murshid Sam’s Dargah, with Murshida Darvesha, Sheikh Gayan and an added treat of Sheikh Arjun Jorge Calero, the inspirer of the “Beyond Initiative.” Arjun with the support of his partner Jessie just created this beautiful new website for the Beyond Initiative.

A few nights ago, throughout my dream I was reciting YA MALIK, YA MALIKAL MULK. It reminded me of a time when Murshid Wali Ali was living here in our home, we were working on “Physicians of the Heart” and he would recite this wazifa pair every morning and the sound would ring through our home. Let us use it as our practice for the coming month.

Much love,


Wazifa Practice

Recite 101x 


3. Ya Malik (yaa MA-lik)

The quality of al-Malik is to hold everything in the universe in the hands of the one and only being. It is an all-inclusive and majestic embrace. The word for angel, malak, is closely related to this name. Angels are made of light and are held in the hands of Allah. The light of al-Malik holds the inner essence of each and every thing. Each thing's essence never leaves this majestic embrace and never returns to it because it is permanently rooted in it. Ya Malik, thus experienced as holding everything's essence in the inner world, is naturally paired in repetition with Ya Malikal-Mulk (83), the majestic force that holds all outer forms.

By combining the two Names in repetition, you are brought to a balanced confidence in heaven and earth. Invocation of Ya Malik, Ya Malikal-Mulk is an antidote for all who feel abandoned and don't believe they belong anywhere. A person in this condition is constantly negating the reality of inner majesty or denying the reality of outer majesty. The recitation of these two related Names as a pair is also useful for those who do not feel entitled to possess things and who are afraid of the grossness of the material realm.

83. Ya Malikal-Mulk (yaa MAA-li-kal-MULK)

Malikul-Mulk expresses that each and every manifestation in the universe completely depends on being held by God. Malikul-Mulk describes permanence in the midst of change. Things (mulk) are always in flux-coming and going, strong and weak. They are transient. Even though the world has this appearance, invocation of Ya Malikal-Mulk brings the realization that all manifestation never leaves the hands of Allah. In accord with Arabic grammar, when using "Ya" we say Ya Malikal-Mulk; without the "Ya" the name is slightly different: we say Malikul-Mulk.

Both elements of the Name, malik and mulk, derive from the same root-malaka-which means to hold in the hands. Calling on this divine quality is like reaching down into the stream of time and grasping eternal essence in its majesty. It is king and controller. Invocation of Ya Malikal-Mulk helps you overcome the dichotomy that arises from how you may be perceived by others because, from the perspective of this divine Name, whether you are viewed as high or low is irrelevant.

Repetition of Ya Malikal-Mulk is especially recommended for all who, because of lack of intimacy in their family experience, are hesitant to trust relationships with people. It is also a remedy for all who are afraid to fully engage in this world because of its coarseness. See Ya Malik (3), with which we recommend it be paired in recitation.

To hear the pronunciation:  YA MALIKYA MALIKAL MULK

Text and Commentary to Study

This month we will spend time withThe Book of Universalityan excerpt from the very powerful poem "Gathas of the New Age"by Murshid Samuel Lewis.

The Book of Universality

Upcoming Events and Teachings

Jamiat Am in Madison   April 25-28 
Lama Sufi Sesshin  June 26-30
Mendocino Sufi Camp July 14-21

Save the Date

Residential Sufi Retreat at the Abode of the Message in New Lebonon NY August 22-25

Ongoing Local Monthly Gathering

Zikr in San Rafael  One Thursday a month


Murshid SAM, Saadia and Moineddin at the Garden of Allah, where I lived for 7 years
Sufi Retreat at Tatalpa, near Guadalajara at 7500 ft
Russet-crowned Motmot
Common Ground Doves enjoying life


Blue-footed Booby about to catch its breakfast
Northern Jacanas, what a beautiful difference when they spread wings
Blue Bunting
Great Kiskadee
Female Masked Tityra
Male Masked Tityra
Golden-cheeked Woodpecker
Orange-fronted Parakeet
Pale-billed Woodpecker
Vermilion Flycatcher

Large flock of Cedar Waxwings came to enjoy our privet berries and waterfall


Cooper's Hawk
Close up of Cooper's Hawk
Anna's Hummingbird
Western Bluebirds, new residents in our bird box
Turkeys in our front of our house