Open Tuning with Pir Shabda Kahn Part 1 of 6
Shabda Kahn demonstrates Open Tuning at the Ozark Sufi Camp Spring 2006 Part 1 of 6
Open Tuning with Pir Shabda Kahn Part 2 of 6
Demonstrated in the Open Tuning common to the dances by Pir Shabda Kahn
Open Tuning with Pir Shabda Kahn Part 3 of 6
Chords Part 3 of 6
Recorded at The Ozark Sufi Camp Spring 2006
Open Tuning with Pir Shabda Kahn Part 4 of 6
Chords (minor)
Open Tuning with Pir Shabda Kahn Part 5 of 6
More Chords / Picking Styles Demonstrated by Pir Shabda Kahn
Open Tuning with Pir Shabda Kahn Part 6 of 6
Picking Styles Pir Shabda Kahn Open Tuning Class Ozark Sufi Camp Spring 2006 final part (6 of 6)
HH 12th Tai Situ talks to our Peace Pledge Pilgrimage group Part 2 of 2
HH 12th Tai Situ talks to our Peace Pledge Pilgrimage group at the Bahai Lotus Temple in New Delhi India Feb 22, 2019 Part 2
HH 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche talk to our Peace Pledge Pilgrimage group Part 1 of 2
HH the 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche gives an opening talk to our Peace Pledge Pilgrimage group on a visit to the Bahai Lotus Temple, New Delhi, Feb 22, 2019
Sufi Youth - A film by Andres F. Otero
Sufi Youth - Recorded in 2008
A film by Andres F. Otero
"In 2005 I was introduced to the Sufi Ruhaniat community. That summer I had the opportunity to go to a youth camp in the Mendocino Woodlands in CA where young adults from all over the US come together to connect with one another thru contemplation, art, and music." - Andres F. Otero
Sufi Sam Stories with Pir Shabda Kahn Part 2 of 2
Recorded Oct 7, 2007
Sufi Sam Stories Told by Pir Shabda Kahn at the Urs Celebration of Samuel Lewis Corde Madera, California filmed by Chris Clay Bauman
Sufi Sam Stories with Pir Shabda Kahn Part 1 of 2
Recorded Oct 7, 2007
Sufi Sam Stories Told by Pir Shabda Kahn Samuel Lewis Urs Celebration Corde Madera, California filmed by Chris Clay Bauman
Sufi Practice with Shabda
Recorded February 19, 2013 - English/Spanish
Entrevista realizada en Radio Serenidad el 19 feb 2013 sobre la práctica Sufi de Shabda. Suscríbete a nuestro canal en youtube. Visita la radio en www.radioserenidad.com Participa en el blog www.goypaz.com Siguenos en facebook: RADIO SERENIDAD twitter: radioserenidad
Urs Celebration of Pandit Pran Nath 2023
Recorded June 13, 2023
Broadcast Peace Pledge
Recorded in 2018
Fakhira Najib from Pakistand runs a radio program called Broadclass-Listen to Learn that goes out to rural classrooms all over Pakistan and she provides the first hour of content every day, much along the Sufi lines of Loving Kindness and Compassion. She is reaching more than 200,000 girls and boys every day. In this video the children learned the Peace Pledge in both English and Urdu.
The Fairfax Street Choir- Remastered
Marla Hunt Hanson is the Founder and Director of The Fairfax Street Choir and recalls the early formation of the choir in 1972. Marla would play the old upright piano at the newly opened Sleeping Lady Café in Fairfax, California and people would gather around and sing. Pretty soon some of the songs actually sounded good and the choir was formed. Choir members still reunite today. Photography and editing by David Ludwig and video by Mariposa de Los Angeles (Rainbow Festival of Light,1976). This is a revision video and the original on YouTube had 1.5K views. The first half is edited with still photos while the second half is edited with the video performance at the Rainbow Festival of Light on Mount Tamalpais, Marin County.
Pir Shabda Raga Darbari Offering - Hazrat Inayat Khan's 92nd Urs in Berkeley, California
A short offering of Rag Darbari at Hazrat Inayat Khan's URS Feb 5, 2019, without Tabla and Sarangi accompaniment.
Pir Shabda Kahn - Morning Raga at the Garden of Allah on April 20, 2019
Recorded April 20, 2019
Raag Todi - 14:42
Raag Shudh Sarang - 45:44
Raag Bhairavi - 1:04:45
Beloved Family,
In 1972 Vasheest Davenport, a tenor in our Sufi Choir and like myself, a direct disciple of Murshid Samuel Lewis, attended a concert at Project Artaud in San Francisco of a Master North Indian Classical Vocalist named Pandit Pran Nath.
Vasheest came back to the home we all lived in, the Garden of Allah, and swooned about the mastery and subtlety of the singer. Within a matter of days he had arranged for Pandit Pran Nath to come to the Garden of Allah and give a Raga Concert for our Sufi Choir.
It was at that concert at the Garden of Allah that I connected deeply with Pandit Pran Nath and he became my Music Guru and guided me in Raga Singing and Life through his passing June 13, 1996 and to this day.
Our Morning Raga Concert on April 20, 2019 - 10:45AM at the same Garden of Allah is to honor Guruji and commemorate that lucky day.
Accompanying Pir Shadba are:
Joss Jaffe - Tabla Gitanjali
Lori Rivera - Tamboura Saraswati
Barbara Framm - Tamboura
Deborah Thomson - Swarmandal
Pir Shabda Kahn - Raga Offering - Hazrat Inayat Khan’s 93rd URS Celebration 2020
RAGA OFFERING on the Occasion of Hazrat Inayat Khan’s 93rd URS Celebration at the Dargah of Hazrat Inayat Khan.
Pir Shabda Kahn - Vocal
Ustad Ghulam Sabir Kahn -Sarangi
Ustad Rafiuddin Khan - Tabla
Murshid Sam Dargah Dedication Celebration - Kalama Dance
The Kalama Dance was the seal on the Murshid Sam Dargah Dedication Celebration Aug 24-27, 2017, danced right inside the new Dargah structure.
Murshid Sam Dargah Dedication Celebration - Washing the Stones
Recorded at Murshid Sam Dargah Dedication Celebration Aug 24-27, 2017
Everyone present at the Murshid Sam Dargah Dedication Celebration got a chance to wash the stones of the grave mound while washing their own heart and making aspirations for all sentient beings!
Pir Shabda opening the 2023 "Water for ALL" Conference in Amritsar with Rag Tilang
Raga Concert In Amritsar, India, for the opening of the "Water for ALL" Conference. Recorded March 2023
RadheRadhe with Rajasthani musicians
Sharing the universal language of music with Rajasthani musicians
Dancing around the Shrine of Hazrat Inayat Khan on the occasion of his 97th URS Feb 5, 2024
We danced for about an hour around the shrine of Hazrat Inayat Khan on his URS during the annual multi day celebration.
Pandit Pran Nath's 26th URS Celebration June 13, 2024
Includes compositions from Pandit Pran Nath and his students. The video also includes Zuleikha's original improvisation, with music by 3MA, Ballade Sissoko/Driss El Maloumi/Rajery
Singing DRINK WITH THE BELOVED at the 97th URS of Hazrat Inayat Khan at his Dargah
Recorded at Hazrat Inayat Khan Dargah, in Nizamuddin, Delhi Urs Celebration February 3rd, 2024.
The Khankah SAM - May 24, 2022
The Khankah SAM Caravan evening with Pir Shabda "Perennial Wisdom meets the Crazy World." Recorded Tuesday, May 24, 2022 at Khankah SAM.